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Modi reminds Pallava Prince Bodhi dharma to China. Arun reports as Mahaballipuram hosts Modi-Xi Jinping informal summit.

Next week is going to be a crucial week for Indian Diplomacy as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of China Xi Jinping are set for a meet in an ancient city Kanchipuram. Mahabalipuram is a place in the district of Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu. It is known for the Hindu temples and Monuments built by tamil Pallava dynasty. Mahaballipuram has trade and cultural connections with China about 2000 years ago as Pallava Prince Bodhi Dharma contributed Shoalin Kung Fu to China way back in 5th century. PM Modi and External Affairs Minister Jaishankar is showcasing the Pallava dynasty's contributions to China to strengthen the ties between India and China.
Mahaballipuram aka Mamallapuram
Why Meeting is important:
             This is the first meet between Indian and Chinese top delegation after the abrogation of Article 370 and 35-A. This comes at an important time when China along with Turkey and Malaysia openly supporting Pakistan in the current Indo-Pak crisis with whole world stands firm with India and recognizes the abrogation of Article 370 and 35-A as internal matter of India. And China is jealous of India's rising influence in Indo-Pacific region (India, United States, Japan, Australia - QUAD) and East Asian region (India-Russia-Japan) without any Chinese help.

Trump-Modi Bromance irritates China:
            Modi-Trump bonhomie made some countries to drop their jaws and raise their eye brows. And all important US-China trade war is hitting China very badly. China sees Modi-Trump's close relationship as a hurdle and thus hardens its stands often.

            Modi even campaigned for Donald Trump's re-election next year with his own slogan "Abki baar Modi Sarkar" used in 2014 Indian General elections with "Abki baar Trump Sarkar". This is a strategical move to keep Donald Trump with India as 5 plus Million Indian-Americans will be voting next year and he said it before 50,000 Indian-American diaspora. This comes at the day when Trump's foe  and Democratic party Presidential Candidate openly condemns the 370 abrogation.

                                    Modi alters his own slogan as "Abki baar Trump Sarkar"

To Isolate Pakistan from China:
               The terrorist recruiting nation Pakistan is already humiliated globally even Islamic countries have snubbed pakistan is supporting its Kashmir agenda. Now its part of continuation. Within a month there would be FATF (Financial Action Task Force) meeting where Pakistan have failed to get through all the regularities and be blacklisted. Pakistan is desperate of China's Veto vote. And there are rumours of Army coup in Paksitan and the bankruptcy of Pakistan is possible in near future. Pakistan desperately needs world countries financial help as it is completely failed in economics with GDP around 2% and Inflation hitting sky high around 14% with one litre of Milk is 250rs.

                                                Modi brutalising Pakistan with Diplomacy
Modi's diplomacy already cornered Pakistan globally. Without China's support it would be difficult to run the day to day affairs. Thus isolating Pakistan from China is essential and Modi is trying to do it with Mahaballipuram visit.

To bring China to the table:
               Modi uses the cultural relationship that is existing between India and China for about 2000 plus years to bring the chinese to the table. Modi will use this cultural and trade history of Pallava kingdom in Tamilnadu to connect with China. This will definetly impact in a good manner. As there were some border disputes between India and China in the recent times with china claiming Arunachal Pradhesh and Ladakh as its territory. And there were Doklam standoff between India
& China.
              And thus Modi uses Bodhi Dharma to strengthen Indo-China relationship. This event will mark a new beginning not only for India-China relationships but also it will raise the footprint of BJP in Tamilnadu before 2024 general elections.


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