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James Bond of India- Ajit Kumar Doval. Arun writes about the man who once was a 'Spy' for 7 years in Pakistan.

Ajit Kumar Doval, popularly called as the James Bond of India is the 5th and current National Security Advisor (NSA) to the Prime Minister of India. He previously served as the Director of the Intelligence Bureau (IB) in 2004–05, after spending a decade as the head of its operation wing. He is also regarded as an instrumental figure in revocation of Article 370 and 35-A which gives Special Status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir the 'Surgical Strike' after URI attack, and 'Balakot Air Strike'. He served as Spy in Pakistan for about 7 years. 

                                                                      NSA Ajit Kumar Doval

 Ajit Kumar Doval was born on 20th January 1945 in United Provinces, British India now Uttrakhand. His father was an Army officer thus he got inspired. He completed his school education in Military school. He completed his Under Graduate degree in Economics in 1967. He then joined IPS in Kerala Cadre the very next year. Doval was one of three negotiators who negotiated the release of passengers from IC-814 in Kandahar in 1999.

                                        James Bond of India Ajit Kumar Doval once was Spy in Pakistan

Role in Mizoram Peace Accord:
       Mizo National Front (MNF) declared Independence of Mizoram from India in 1966. And introduced its army wing Mizo National Army thus they started 'Operation Guerilla'. Government deployed troops and stopped violence. But then in 1986 the MNF signed a pact with Government of India to accord. The role played by the Ajit Doval was highly rated.

Role in freeing Punjab from Khalistan Terrorists:
       From early 1950s the Khalistan who demanded separate Punjab protested against Government. In 1980s the Khalistan movement got momentum due to the Pakistan's funding of Arms through ISI. Then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi ordered special operation to free Punjab from Khalistan Separatists or Terrorists called "Operation Bluestar". The Armysuccessfully completed the operation. In Punjab he was behind the rescue of Romanian diplomat. He was inside the Golden Temple in Amritsar in 1988 before Operation Black Thunder to collect critical information. Here too Ajit Doval played an very important role. 

National Security Advisor:
     Along with Army Chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag, Doval planned a cross-border military operation against National Socialist Council of Nagaland militants operating out of Myanmar. The mission was said to be a success with 50 militant casualties.He is widely credited for the major shift in Indian national security policy in relation to Pakistan. Switching from a'defensive' security policy against cross-border terrorism emanating from Pakistan as well as the 'Double Squeeze Strategy. It was speculated that the September 2016 Indian surgical strikes in Pakistan, which were a big success, were his brainchild. He is a trusted Lieutenant of PM Modi in the process of out smarting US President Donald J Trump. Thus India is shinning in Global Community.

           Doval is widely credited along with then Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar (now External Affairs Minister)  and Indian Ambassador to China Vijay Keshav Gokhale, for resolving Doklam Standoff  through diplomatic channels and negotiations with China.In October 2018, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Strategic Policy Group (SPG), which is the first tier of a three tier structure at the National Security Council and forms the nucleus of its decision-making apparatus.
            After the Balakot Airstrikes from the Indian Air Force which successfully targeted terrorists belonging to Jaish-e-Mohammed in Pakistan across the border, India and Pakistan came perilously close to firing short-range missiles at each other on February 27, 2019 according to Hindustan Times. Doval told his US counterpart John Bolton and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo over a hotline that India was prepared for the worst if any bodily harm was done to Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman held in Pakistani custody. Due to severe international pressure, Pakistan released Varthaman the next day.
           On June 3, 2019 he was reappointed as National Security Advisor for 5 years and was given Union Cabinet Minister Rank by re-elected Narendra Modi government.


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