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"Operation Kashmir"- a Success. Arun reports J&K integration with full details.

After a thumping victory in the recently concluded 17th Loksabha elections in May 2019, the Narendra Modi led NDA government has today re-written the Historical Wrong by Scrapping the Article 370 by which 35A automatically scrapped. And thus the Special Status and autonomous given to the state of Jammu and Kashmir ends.

                             Modi govt fully integrates J&K with India by Scrapping Article 370

What is Article 370 ?
              Jammu and Kashmir was accessioned with India in Oct 22, 1947 by Maharaja Hari Singh. But the Muslims in J&K protested against this. Maharaja Hari Singh named Sheik Abdullah as the incharge of J&K. After years of protest and lack of intent by then PM Nehru the Kashmir became taking point. Then in May 1954 New Delhi pact was signed between Nehru and Sheik Abdullah which was controversially not approved by the Parliment and was just approved by President Rajendra Prasad by the compulsion of PM Nehru. This includes the Article 370 which was opposed by Dr BR Ambedhkar and Sardar Vallabhai Patel before itself. This 370 inckudes 35A as a proviso.
People of J&K can hold two citizenships. J&K has its own Flag. And the insulting of Indian Flag is not a crime in J&K. Supreme court orders won't be applicable to Jammu & Kashmir. And so on. This always paved the way for intrusion of terrorists. This also paved way for the conflict between India and Pakistan.

Operation Kashmir:
           India's own James Bond NSA (National Security Advisor) Ajith Doval visited J&K last month. After his two day visit the Ministry of Home Affairs has ordered 10,000 troops to move J&K.

                                                              NSA Ajith Doval

Later that week an additional of 28,000 troops moved to J&K. On friday 2 August 2019 the Army and Airforce was put into alert. On the same day the Amarnath Yatra was curtailed and the pilgrims were asked to leave the state immediately. This alert was issued to the tourists too. And many countries issued travel advisories for their citizens to not travel J&K. On saturday the BSF and Army foiled the BAT (Border Action Team) plan of intrusion and killed 7 terrorists and soldiers. On Monday morning at 12:00am the curfew was imposed on the basis of Section 144. Internet and landline communication was suspended. At 7:00am NSA Ajith Doval, R&AW Chief, IB Chief and Law minister meets the Home Minister Amit Shah. At 9:00am in 7 Lok Kalyan Marg, the PM residence Cabinet Commitee on Security commences. This meeting was attended by PM Modi, HM Amit Shah, Defence minister Rajnath singh, External Affairs minister Jaishankar, Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman and NSA Ajith Doval. Followed by Cabinet Meeting and cabinet approved the Abrogation of Article 370 and J&K Reorganisation Bill. And the decision is been passed with a Presidential notification. Now it is been issued in Gazette of India.

Gazette of India (Page 1)

                                                               Gazette of India (Page 2)

What's next ? 
            Article 370 which includes 35A was scrapped which makes way for the full integration of J&K with India. And J&K is bifurcated into two Union Territories. One consists of Jammu, Kashmir as UT with an elected assembly and Ladakh as another UT without assembly.

                                                           Newly bifurcated J&K
And the J&K is now fully integrated with India. And it is same as the other states and UTs.

Master Stroke:
             This move of the government is considered as a big strategic move. As just weeks before the US President Donald Trump said that he's ready to mediate the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan if India and Pakistan wants. Though the Ministry of External Affairs already cleared its stand. This is a direct message from PM Narendra Modi to US President Donald Trump that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. And no other country can intervene in the issue.

                                   PM Modi choked US President Trump with a brilliant move

This makes even worse for Pakistan as they are now not relevant. The only thing India now needs to do is to calm down the people of J&K and regain the parts of J&K which is occupied by Pakistan illegally which is popularly known as Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK). The Duo of PM Narendra Modi and HM Amit Shah has again pulled a master stroke. One thing is for sure this day will go down in the books of History.


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