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What is Pakistan's "Operation Oct 4". Arun reports as Pakistan preparing for War by deploying troops in border and activates navy, air bases.

After the Indian Government revoked the Article 370 and 35-A which gives special status to Jammu & Kashmir on August 5, 2019 the 'So-Called' Peace nation Pakistan is reckless and trying everything against India on International platforms to Internationalize the issue. With India's effective diplomacy it defeated every attempts of Pakistan. This put immense pressure on Pakistan government and army. With strong sources and intel reports it is evident that Pakistan is trying something sinister. It is preparing for 'Something Big'.

                 With some intel reports and credible sources emerge that the neighbour nation planning something aggressive, we are revealing some plans of the Terror nation.

'Operation October 4' :
       There were reports that the Pakistan has deployed a large amount of troops in the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Terror launch pads and pakistan army posts are on process of filling ammunition. Terrorists group include Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed are on a heavy movement. Reports suggest that pakistan is trying to infiltrate 1,00,000 terrorists as Civilians on October 4 across Line of Control (LoC). Thus it expects Indian Army to retaliate and indulge to war.
(The above is an assumption of a reliable source)

Planning for War ?
             Pakistan PM Imran Khan and Army General Bajwa is in complete unrest after Kashmir integration with India. Thus they are now on preparations for the aftermath of 'Operation October 4'. It recently upgraded the Karachi Naval base. And cleared hospitals for any insane scenario, closing of its Air space and bringing in huge troops to Sailkot-Jammu-Rajastan border. Their naval base is currently upgraded and high ammunitions are taken inside. And Bholari air base was recently upgraded with F16s which is 130Km away from Gujarat. ( Here we have attached the tweets with Satellite images of Karachi naval base, and Bholari air base. Courtesy: d-atis @detresfa )

Masood Azhar of Jaish-e-Mohammed released by Pakistan:
              Jaish-e-Mohammad chief and UN-designated terrorist Masood Azhar, who was allegedly kept in preventive detention, has ‘secretly’ been released by Pakistan, reports claimed. This comes amid the simmering tension between India and Pakistan over the revocation of Article 370
If reports are to be believed, Pakistan has released Azhar to plan and carry out terror operations against India. Notably, Azhar has been the mastermind of major terror attacks in India including the Pulwama attack in February 2019 wherein 40 CRPF personnel lost their lives.

On Sunday, Intelligence agencies had informed the Indian government that Pakistan has deployed additional troops along with with the India-Pakistan border near Rajasthan, Sialkot-Jammu sectors. According to a report published in a leading daily, Islamabad is planning to carry out something big near the Sialkot-Jammu and Rajasthan sectors as it is irked over the Modi government’s decision to withdraw the special status of Kashmir.

India ready for anything:
            India is currently watching close of the movements. Indian navy is in search mode after terror plot exposed by Intelligence agencies. Army chief Bipin Rawat conducted surveys in border and serious of meetings with officials.
                                    (Indian Army Chief Bipin Rawat visited J&K last week)

India is now a stronger Military power than before. We have upgraded heavy missions and aircrafts in the last 3 years. And diplomatically to we are far superior than Pakistan. But any one misadventure of Pakistan may costs them very badly. As India under PM Narendra Modi and NSA Ajit Doval are more powerful in any circumstances. There are rumours that this combo is already chalking out plan to capture the remaining parts of kashmir in Pakistan (PoK). This would create a direct scenario to re acquire our land and break pakistan into 4 parts (Sindh,Balochistan,Punjab,Western Pakistan).


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