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Audience moving towards Reality shows ? Arun reports the Bigg landscape change in the Tamil Silver screen.

In the recent few years we have seen a massive shift of the mindset of the people of Tamilnadu in the case of watching TV. Once the "Scripted" serials ruled the Silver screen of the Tamilnadu. The Sun Tv got their entire fame and attention only after the famous serial 'Mettivoli'. And there are hundreds of serials that ruled the tamil audience in the prime time slots. After the innovative idea of Vijay TV of Star group the industry in tamilnadu changed a bit. Vijay TV brought the culture of  Reality shows and using them on the Prime time slots.

                                    Legendary Tamil actor Kamal Hassan hosts the BIGG BOSS

 They also used the unusual way of On-day scripts to their serials too to get their product more edgier and more lively. For instance take the Famous 'Saravanan Meenakshi' serial where they used to write their scripts only on the day of shooting and thus it gave the reality feeling. And now there are enormous Reality Shows which are more real than the serials gets a huge thumps up from the Tamil audience. And we can see a gradual jump of audience to Reality shows from serials.

Why this jump ?
         For about a decade the Television audience are watching the shows of same raw content and story lines with Domination of Mother-in-laws. And this been broken by the Vijay TVs "Lollu Sabha" where the artists would be picking up the tamil films and their stories and troll them to a new level. Which gives audience the fun they wanted after a day long stressful work. This innovative idea lead to new era of programs.

                                         Famous episode of Lollu Sabha on Thimuru Movie

This made a new trend of shows in tamil silver screen. And now this gone to a new level of programming with Endemolshine group's Bigg Boss is getting a greater attraction and otherreality shows on the genre of Music talents, Dance talents, and comedy shows are getting a greater response and these shows sometimes revive their channels from the loss in TRPs. Thus the tamil television audience are moving from a Scripted shows to Reality shows is an unstoppable movement.


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