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What's next for New India ? Arun Predicts from Kashmir to Space. Here are the top 5 predictions.

Two months after General Election 2019 many are speculating What Next for India. After a clear mandate victory the new government have the liberty to bring in more necessary structural changes without any Coalition compulsions. There are many speculations circulating around Lutyens Delhi about What Policy Decisions the new government would bring in. In this article we will be discussing what will be the Agenda for the Narendra Modi led NDA government.

There are enormous amount of talks in Delhi about the key decisions the Strong mandate government may take in coming years. From top Journalists to top Political Analysts. Even those who are close to PM Modi are not clear about what next. So we are presenting a Prediction about What Next. 

1) NRC - Nationwide implementation :
                Few months ago there were huge protests in Assam and other North-Eastern states against the implementation of NRC. But it is obvious that NRC is a need of the hour. It is unacceptable that Rohingyas getting employment opportunities in India where Indian youth are struggling. And not only on employment issue, Rohingyas are real time threat to Internal Security. There are questions about their links to ISI (Pakistan Intelligence Agency). And this government with its track record definitely implement NRC not only in other North Eastern states but for the whole nation.

                                                  Bangalore South MP Tejaswi Surya

 This comes after the youth sensation and BJP fire brand Bangalore South MP Tejashwi Surya asked for the NRC in Karnataka. And the very next day Home Minister Amit Shah replied that the goverment will take any tough decisions for the nation's internal security. If NRC is implemented it will be a game changer in Indian History. And this move assures the national security.

2) Removal of Article 370 and 35-A :
           The removal of controversial Article 370 and 35-A from the constitution which will pave way for the full integration on Jammu and Kashmir into India. And this is definitely going to happen as this is the ideology of the Ruling BJP and it is in their Election Manifesto for years. And this is essential as this move paves way for ending roots of terrorism. 

           Dividing Jammu and Kashmir into 3 different states. This may come surprise to some who are unaware of the prevailing condition in Jammu and Kashmir. The Trifurcation of J&K is must as the Central government cannot give any development projects to the Jammu and Ladakh regions just because of the conditions and tensions in Kashmir valley. This is a huge injustice to the innocent and peace loving people of Jammu and Ladakh. This is will definitely enrich the Ladakh and Jammu.

3) Bring back Indianness :
              We all accept there are Linguistic diversities in India which is a core essence of Bharath. But with some anti-national NGOs and extremist groups works to break the bharath it is necessary to integrate and unite Indians using the Indianness. And this government is doing its best by promoting Indian culture. And the government also promotes all regional languages. For a take, Tirukural included in the syllabus of North Indian states. Kannada Engineering Idol Vishveshwaraya being projected allover India. Promoting Vedic studies can also rejuvanate the Culture.
                      Naming famous roads after Icons of Indian history of Independence Struggles and bringing the their Life stories in the school education syllabus will definitely bring back the lost Bharathi feelings. This is already began as the government rewrites the original history from Western dominated writings.

4) Space Super Power :
             Months ago ISRO-DRDO combine shot down the Satellite in the space within 3 minutes. This operation was called as "Mission Shakthi". And India declared itself as the "Space Super Power" where no other country in the world opposed it. On 22nd July 2019 at 2:00 am  India will be launching its dream project "Chandrayan 2" to the moon research operations. And its dream of sending a man to the space and the preparations are at fast pace. The "Gaganyan" project will be launched in 2022. And this project unanimously will declare India will be a Super Power.

5) Retaliate Pakistan Strong :
                PM Modi's Hitting Touch policy paved off when Indian Air Force successfully conducted the mid-night Air Strikes on several terrorists camps of Pakistan for revenge on their suicide bomb attack on Pulwama Military base.

         With India's importance and commanding power rises to new levels every day with excellent foreign policy of Government. From bringing US-Russia on their side to making friendships with Israel, Japan, Australia. And there are talks in the global arena that India may be included in the NATO. If that happens Pakistan would never dream of hitting India. After solving Kashmir issue peacefully India must reclaim the PoK and CoK from both Pakistan and China. Every inch of India should be reclaimed and used only by Indians. Hope this prediction must be made real. And some one close to PM also says that India may break Pakistan into 2 as India's RAW is on the ground in Balochistan and strategising Baloch Liberal Front as a revenge to Pakistan's plot in ISI-Kashmir.

These five are our predictions with a strong possiblity of happening in the near future. And the content here are not authorised and these are the own writings of the writer.

Credit:, NewsX, Fox News, Republic Media Network.


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