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Why Pakistan will collapse in next 10 years. Arun reports with facts and inside reports.

After the recent developments of IMF and FATF with Pakistan, many are predicting that the neighbor nation Pakistan's Economy may collapse in the near future. But the ground reality is that the Pakistan would collapse as a Nation in whole in all the fields. The author briefs the factors that may force the Terror supporting nation Pakistan may collapse and merge with China or divided into 4 parts.

                                                             File Pic: Pak PM Imran Khan

There are about five key factors that will play an important role in the Collapsing "Naya Pakistan":

(i) Poor Economy:
             At the time of forming government the Imran Khan led PTI government pledged to create ten million new jobs (1 Crore) and build five million (50 lakhs) houses. With athe current 4 per cent growth rate, the poverty will not be tackled, nor will per capita income increase by much. The government is negotiating a bailout with the International Monetary Fund and FATF. And the Terrorism is driving investors away. Dr Kaiser Bengali, Dean of the Faculty of Management Science at the Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, in Karachi said “India might cause the collapse our economy as the US did with the USSR. The alarm bells are ringing. We have no choice but to beg. I fear starvation, poverty and unemployment”. Fiscal deficit, inflation and all the economical indicators are worrying factors for Pakistan. Thus the Pakistan's economy may collapse as soon in the near future.

(ii)Internal Crisis:
            Balochistan ! Most Indians don't know what is Balochistan compared to the pakistanis know the Kashmir. Despite being rich in natural resources, Baloch is the most backward region in Pakistan. Baloch people are ethnically, culturally and socially different from the rest of Pakistan and feel exploited at the hands of the dominant Punjabis. The Balochistan Liberation Army is a Pakistan-designated terrorist organisation. It is the most widely-known Baloch separatist group. It has conducted several attacks on Pakistani security agencies and civilians. Baloch nationalists accuse Pakistan of systematically suppressing its development to keep the Balochs suppressed. And the Indian PM Narendra Modi always used this "b" to keep Pak under pressure. And India's foreign agency RAW is dealing the Baloch issue to hurt pakistan. 

(iii) India's Diplomatic Outreach:
              Indian PM Narendra Modi is known for his diplomatic outreach. He made many diplomatic tours for the foreign nations than others. He maintains the same level of friendship with both United States of America and Russia which was not possible earlier. He brought back the BIMSTEC nations back to India's fold from China. He invested crores in Mauritius, Srilanka, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and thus giving the message 'Neighborhood First'.

                                         File Pic: Pak PM Imran Khan begging to Ind PM Narendra Modi
 He made new friendships with Israel and currently it peaks. He has good relationships with UK, France, Australia, Japan, and South Korea. He single handely cornered Pakistan and China by outreaching to all the nations. This caused Pakistan more worried and it struggles to counter Modi's Foreign Policy. It shows Who's the BOSS. Thus it is an important factor.

(iv) Foreign Restrictions and Chinese Influence: 
             Pakistani military and intelligence elements are known for their support to terrorist groups that operate against the United States, Afghanistan and India. Thus the China is Investing a lot of amount in the Pakistan. The situation in Pakistan makes them to accept it. Thus it makes it to be China's Puppet on International Arena. This is a worrying threat that looms above the Pakistan that aware of. China uses the Pakistan terrorist groups to conduct terror activities in US, India, Afghanistan, France, UK, Japan and other competitors. This is will result in the capturing of the Pakistan by China for its debt in the near future.

These are the aspects that seems to the worrying factors that may collapse Pakistan in next 10-15 years and make it a part of China or divided into 4 parts as Balochistan, Sindhdesh, Pakistan, Punjabistan and makes them to forget the Kashmir. This is a result of its lack of concentration on its own development and focus on India's Internal issues.

-Arun Ramesh
Credits: India Today, The Quint, Croix, Economic Times, The Daily Telegraph, Forbes, Republic World.


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