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Iran vs USA war ? Full details here. Report by Arun.

Islamic Republic of Iran has released a video of shooting down United States’ drone which it alleged, breached into Iranian airspace for reconnaissance purposes.

The video released has a thundering background music, and shows Iranian Raad defence system being fired to destroy the drone.

Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said that the country would take the complaint to the UN that the US "encroaches on our territory" while US denies the allegations, and says that the drone was in international waters.
 Video released by Islamic Republic of Iran 

As the game of chicken is on between the two countries, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has urged all parties to exercise maximum restraint. Russia's President Vladimir Putin has warned that war between the US and Iran would be a "catastrophe with unpredictable consequences".

Trump said that Iran had made a mistake.

"I think probably Iran made a mistake - I would imagine it was a general or somebody that made a mistake in shooting that drone down," he said. "It could have been somebody who was loose and stupid," he added.

Now it is an important time for world super powers like UK, France, China , Japan, India, Israel, and Australia.

As for as India is concerned. It stands for the peace. It won't join or encourage any country. But this is the perfect time that PM Modi would again strike on US for its trade hardline behavior. Hope the situation calms.

-Arun Ramesh
Credits: Swarajya, The Telegraph, BBC


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